Guy Leclerc, Said Hmiya, Esma Aïmeur, Alejandro Quintero, Samuel Pierre et Gabriela Ochoa

The 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics ISAS/SCI
22 au 25 juillet 2001
Orlando, Florida, USA

This paper describes the Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) that aids in decision making to resolve management problems of urban infrastructures. The IDSS developed is for an Urban Infrastructure complaint management module, a component of the system dedicated to coordinated management of urban infrastructures (SIGEC) that enables SIDEX (integrated operation system) to make strategic choices in terms of technical interventions on municipal infrastructures. The IDSS provides information to help the user of a component of the SIGEC to decide on a course of action. It may either suggest a decision that the user has to confirm or a set of possible actions for the user to complete the selection. In the SIGEC and the SIDEX, a wide variety of decisions are expected to be made. Several of them consist in a single action such as the emission of a work order or the routing of a complaint to a particular department. Others consist in a sequence of actions that one or several persons have to make; multidisciplinary analysis to changing operating conditions of an infrastructure illustrates such a sequence of decisions. This paper first discusses the potential of the various classes of IDSS for use in the SIGEC and SIDEX. Secondly, it presents the Case-Based-Reasoning (CBR) method selected to develop the IDSS units for the Complaint management module. We discuss both in their conceptual design and their implementation, the CBR analysis of a complaint, the identification of the problem it relates to and the CBR routing of a complaint to the department responsible for addressing it.

Pour l'extrait complet, faire la demande à Samuel Pierre.
