Dougoukolo Konaré, Alejandro Quintero, Samuel Pierre, Luca Rossi et Gabriela Ochoa

The 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics ISAS/SCI
22 au 25 juillet 2001
Orlando, Florida, USA

This paper describes the SIDEX, the component within the SIGEC dedicated to the operation of a particular urban infrastructure and of the services this infrastructure supports. Each SIDEX is concerned by the operation of a particular infrastructure, addressing questions of its integrated management from the daily operation and preventive maintenance activities to those monitoring its performance and selecting alternatives to improve its response to evolving demands. A SIDEX is made of different packages, each in charge of several general management tasks. SIDEX package is comprised of structured and permanent data stored in database tables at the first level, classes representing business logic at the second level and interface templates at the third level. The use of OO concepts during the design process (UML for analysis and design, any OOL for implementation) of SIDEX was followed, and is highly recommended, allowing a distributed development of packages and interaction between them. To maximize reusability between SIDEX, a generic SIDEX was initially developed as all urban systems that have been studied, have common features that were grouped into a representative generic system. For example the used water (sewer) system and the water distribution system are very similar, thus the design of a generic SIDEX will use the power of OOL to instantiate SIDEX for each urban infrastructure. The generic SIDEX is presented and its translation into particular SIDEX illustrated by the Sewer-SIDEX and the Water-Distribution-SIDEX.

Pour l'extrait complet, faire la demande ŕ Samuel Pierre.
